Temporary hiring

Occasional replacement of permanent employees when they are away due to vacation, medical leave and/or other reasons, or when there are additional and extraordinary demands for services.

Contracting period: 180 days, consecutive or not. However, when necessary, it can be extended for a maximum of 90 days, totalizing 270 days.

We are recognized and capable of bringing the best solutions for seasonal demands to your organization, with agility, assertive hiring and savings.

Service outsourcing

Business strategy in which an organization chooses to assign certain tasks or services to specialized companies, in a determined or indeterminate time.

Through outsourcing, your company will be able to direct their resources and focus fully to their objectives. In addition, time is saved with activities such as: payroll management, social charges, purchase and management of benefits, people management, among others.

We are specialized in personalized and reliable outsourcing projects, providing your company dedication to core business, excellence, operational responsibility and legal security.

Our partnership hub

Responsible for partnerships with companies that offer complementary services and unique experiences in HR solutions for all our stakeholders.

We believe in personalized services and look for partners with a mindset similar to ours to form new businesses.

Leader & Talent: Consultancy specialized in strategic Recruitment & Selection, focusing on the needs of each company and personalized HR processes.

Rio 123: Human Resources Platform, responsible for the Applicant tracking system (ATS), employee management and development of technological tools.
